My Self Tape Studio
With the move to self tapes, we all had to build tiny studios in our homes. My main priority for all of my work comes down to this basic question: “How can I make this fun and easy so I will always want to do it?”
With that in mind, this is the self tape set-up I created for myself:
A screen capture from a recent audition
I opted to paint my wall instead of dealing with a large cumbersome backdrop that would take up precious studio space. I rent my place, so technically, I’m not supposed to paint, but I would rather paint it back if we move than wrestle with a backdrop whenever I have an audition. Priorities.
If you go this route, understand what your best colors are first. Find a color that makes your skin and eye color pop. For me, that’s darker, warmer blues. For you, it may be totally different
If you want more info on finding colors that match your complexion, you may want to try the Colorwise app. It helped me nail not only my backdrop but also what hues look best for me in terms of wardrobe.
*Be sure to buy mat paint so there’s no shine.
For my camera, I don’t want to deal with settings and buying new gear for a proper digital camera. So, I bought myself a brand new iPhone, which I only use for my auditions.
Using my normal phone as a prop for auditions
Small and portable - I can easily do auditions when traveling
No learning curve - I’m familiar with how Apple cameras work
I can write the phone off as an expense on my taxes
Because I only use it for acting, my lens is always clean
I’m not a sound technician - so I chatted up my friend who is one. I told him I wanted the easiest tech possible with the best sound quality. He told me to get a Rode mic. Done.
Warning: Never carry your phone around with your mic attached - if you drop it, it will break the mic. Ask me how I know.
Small and portable
Connects to iPhone directly - no cords
Tripods & Stands
I went with a heavy-duty tripod that adjusts quickly in every direction you can imagine. It’s got a higher price point, but it can also take a beating - which I appreciate with my gear.
For a computer stand, I use a basic music stand with a lip that holds my computer in place.
I opted for two battery-powered lights in front and a small backlight with a plug behind me. I also made space in my studio so that I never have to break these babies down (another reason I got rid of my backdrop).
I know not everyone has the space to leave their lights out all the time, but for me, that was the #1 thing that made me not want to do auditions. So, I adjusted things to make that my priority.
When not in use, it’s all tucked into that corner
Wrapped in parchment paper to soften the light.
Sexy blackout curtains help you control the light. I swapped out some really crappy old blinds for easy-to-close curtains from Ikea. This one change did wonders in making me actually want to spend time in my studio.
I also added decorative doo dads to hold the curtains open for a lil extra pizazz, but only because they were free on my local Buy Nothing group!
If I did it again, I’d get a proper blackout curtain rod to match so that the curtains wrap around the side and block the edges from letting light in.
Remote Camera Clicker
This one is for anyone who gets commercial auditions where they ask for digitals of your face, hands, body, and your third cousin too.
I don’t have to use a timer and try to plan when to look happy - I use my lil clicker, “snap snap snap,” and done.
Mine pairs through Bluetooth; I’ve had it for three years without changing the battery. So, I love it. Talk to me when I have to find one of those tiny watch-size batteries, though, and I may feel differently.
I think that’s everything, but let me know if I missed any juicy gadgets, and I’m happy to add them to the list!
For a video walkthrough of my studio, check out my post on Instagram here.